Saving The World With Algorithm

2 min readJan 13, 2021

People have a lot of different opinions on Algorithm Intelligence (AI). How it can save the world, or how it could ruin it. There are multiple different ways they could do both. Today I will be covering both sides and talking about more AI subjects.

Can AI save the world, and people in it? In some ways, yes. Now, this can be facts or opinions, either one. I’m going to be talking about my opinion. I think AI can save the world. It can help people stay alive driving, it can help people to make good choices and other things like that. It could save a lot of people, but nothing is perfect, so people would still be dying, just most likely less. A problem would definitely be trust. A lot of people don’t trust it and think that they are going to take over the world. An example of a good way of driving with an AI car is that it is always watching your surroundings, unlike humans. Humans could be playing on their phones and not paying attention to the road and that cul take a human's life. AI always watches the surroundings while people can still do what they wanted to. It is safer, but what are the consequences of AI driving vehicles?

AI could also be bad. It can take people’s jobs, and yes there will be more jobs, but they can take people’s jobs they worked their whole life on and loved. It’s not fair to them. Also, AI can be a big problem for driving. It may be safe, but it is also dangerous. One way is that something is wrong with the car and for one second it could lose control and kill people. The second one is an accident happens right there. It was constant. The car didn’t know because there wasn’t enough time to realize, but once it does, to save the person inside the car’s life, but will have to swerve into a different lane, hurting other people and risking their lives, as if a human were driving they would just slam on the breaks instant, they would most likely still get hurt, but they would get hurt, either way, just the AI way would hurt other people too.

AI could help save the world or could help ruin it. Right now we have based everything on our opinions, but soon we will find out which one is true.

